Opening Hour

Mon - Fri, 8:00 - 9:00

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What We Do?

Premium Washing Services

Exterior Washing

Give your car a spotless shine with our high-quality exterior wash, removing dirt, grime, and stains for a pristine look.

Interior Washing

Deep cleaning for your car's interior, ensuring a fresh and hygienic environment with top-notch products and techniques.

Vacuum Cleaning

Thorough vacuuming to eliminate dust, debris, and allergens from your car’s carpets, seats, and hard-to-reach areas.

Seats Washing

Professional seat cleaning to remove stains, odors, and bacteria, keeping your car's upholstery fresh and comfortable.

Window Wiping

Professional seat cleaning to remove stains, odors, and bacteria, keeping your car's upholstery fresh and comfortable.

Wet Cleaning

Deep wet cleaning using advanced methods to remove stubborn dirt and refresh your vehicle's surfaces.

Oil Changing

Expert oil change services using premium-quality oils to maintain engine efficiency and prolong vehicle life.

Brake Reparing

Reliable brake inspection and repair services to ensure your car’s safety and optimal braking performance.